
Jaimie Lee Creative

Weekly-ish musings about copywriting, design, voice of customer research, & this whole owning-a-business shenanigan delivered straight to your inbox.

secret sharing time 🤫

Hiiii Reader, As much as I'd like to be one of those copywriters who makes six figures, works from a stunning home office, & supports their family with *just* their online work... ...I'm not. I started Jaimie Lee Creative in 2018. When we lived in Costa Rica, the starting momentum I had was enough to support me, my wife, & our sweet pup, Rainy. (The cost of living in Costa Rica is also wildly different than in the US—some things are a lot cheaper, like rent, while others are super expensive,...

made you this

Hey Reader, There's a shiny new free resource on my website: the Sales Copy Prep Work Template! I created this template after realizing that having a bunch of post-its, jumbled iPhone notes, & random notebook scribbles with ideas for my sales copy just wasn't cutting it. Now, I just make a fresh copy of the template for each launch I work on. It's the perfect way to organize what's included in your offer, why you created it, how it will help your customers, & any messaging notes. Ready to...

how copywriters spend 90% of their time ⏰

Hey Reader, I was just on a call with a copywriting client. As we talked through their project, I realized: This is the part I love best about copywriting. The thinking, the strategizing, the planning—it lights me up. If you hung out with me while I wrote your copy, you'd see me spend 90% of my time thinking about: ⚡ you, as both a human & a business owner ⚡ your audience & what they feel/think/believe ⚡ your offer & why it matters ⚡ how to connect all of the above into a cohesive sales...

finally off the struggle bus 🚌

I have something to admit to you, Reader. For the past six-ish months, I've been struggling with my main service, The Cosmic Copy Week. It's a great service. I love the timeline, the deliverables, & the wins my clients experience after we've worked together. But the price? It's been bothering me. I write for entrepreneurs who move quickly. Who come up with new ideas & are ready to execute them right away. They don't need all the included research, but that's a lot of what justifies the CCW's...

you've got this

Hi Reader, Black Friday/Cyber Monday is a week away. If your brain's inner chorus of mean girls is anything like mine, they're telling you... "You should have planned something months ago." "That's a terrible idea—no one will want that." "Your work isn't important enough for people to care about, anyway." The mean girls in my brain suck. But I'm choosing not to believe 'em. I have oodles of digital products that I can discount, bundle up, or promote on the fly. People who take my courses &...

the next five years

Hey hey, Reader, You know how at every job interview, they ask, "So, where do you see yourself in five years?" I've never had a great answer to that question. Not because I don't think about the future or know what I'm *supposed* to say... (still working here & something about growth/upward movement/being the best cog in this machine supporting late-stage capitalism, of course) ...but because I know that the future will never play out how we expect. 🤷♀️ If you'd asked me that question fifteen...

a revelation

Hiiii Reader, The Get-It-Done Week for Write Like Lightning ⚡ has officially started, but there's still time to join if you're keen! You'll get the Write Like Lightning ⚡ course, Voxer Office Hours, a super easy-to-follow copy template, Co-Writing Sessions, & prizes for completing your sales page by the deadline. While this week is focused on your next sales page... ...Write Like Lightning ⚡ is the starting point you can refer to again and again as you write concise sales pages that clearly...

three things I believe about you

Quick—raise your hand if... ⚡ you care deeply about helping your audience ⚡ you've got brilliant offers that people need ⚡ clearly communicating the magic of your offers is holding you back from creating, selling, or promoting your work If your hand's in the air, you should join us for the Write Like Lightning ⚡ Get-It-Done Week! Write Like Lightning ⚡ walks you through each step of crafting a clear, concise, & compelling sales page at lightning speed. And with the extra support &...

the pumpkin spice latte bet 🧋

Hiiii Reader, With Q4 just around the corner (how is it nearly September???), I'd bet my first pumpkin spice latte that you have a brilliant brand-new offer, live training, or low-ticket item you want to launch. But unless you've got a copywriter on speed dial & a bunch of extra cash lying around...'re probably gearing up for some quality time with the blinking cursor in Google Docs. Instead of spending hours agonizing over what to say & how to say it, what if we worked on your next...

the hidden folder on my Google Drive

I have a folder on my Google Drive called "Shelved." It's nestled inside the "Z-OLD" folder*, full of ideas for digital products & courses that never came to be. I was SO excited about sharing each one of those ideas, but they just didn't happen. Two reasons why: 1) I used to believe that a product had to be 100% ready-to-go before selling it. I had no concept of pre-selling or running a live training that I could turn into a course/product later on! 2) More than once, I outlined an...